Friday, 25 July 2014

Understanding Empathy

For inquiry this term we  are investigating "change makers".Today we used 'haiku deck' to illustrate our initial look at  the concept of empathy.
Here is my slide:

Friday, 4 July 2014

triangle area-Maths

We have been looking at measurement in maths.In measurement we have been looking at the area.I found the area of a triangle.
Here is a video of it:
Sorry forgot to add the square meters in the answer so the  answer is 11m2

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Explanation Writing

Ever considered what damage is being done to your body from the everyday use of electronics? Radiation pulsing through your body  as you hold your cell phone to your ear?

It is quite possible that your everyday appliances are more dangerous to your health than you know.
Radiation is energy that comes from a source (like your cellphone)  and travels through some material (like your body).There are many different types of radiation,but the ones we are exposed to are microwaves,radio waves and infrared waves.

invisible to the eye,we use microwaves to heat our food quickly.Telecommunications satellites use microwaves to transmit your voice through phones.Microwave energy can also penetrate through haze,cloud and smoke,that means its easy to transmitting information.Some people use microwaves for radars,like Doppler weathermen use for the news.

Radio waves:
also invisible to our eyes,radio waves have the longest  wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum (up to a football field long).Radio waves bring music to radios,sound and pictures to televisions and also carry signal to cell phones.

Infrared waves:
Infrared waves lies between the visible and the invisible EM (electromagnetic) spectrum.TV controllers use infrared light to change the channel.We feel infrared every day from the sun’s heat.Infrared photography can detect temperature differences.Snakes can detect infrared radiation,thus lets them able to detect  warm-blooded prey in total darkness.

Electromagnetic radiation is very harmful to the human body as it increases the risk of cancer and other health problems. Microwaves are extremely bad for your health,as they take the nutrients out of the food leaving it without any health benefits or life energy.Microwave ovens heat food unevenly as the food only heats up when water is present and in most foods the water distribution is uneven.In Russia microwave ovens were banned as a result of studies that proved that microwave ovens are bad for your health. The studies found that carcinogenic substances formed from the microwaving of nearly all foods tested.

If you want less chance of getting cancer,other health problems or too much exposure to radiation than you could cut down on the amount of time you spend on your phone,iPod,computer,PlayStation etc.It’s also a good idea to not have your device's (phone/computer etc) next to you (near your body) while you're sleeping (it also helps turning the WiFi off at night).Having a good nutritious balanced diet will help and not using microwave ovens at all.

In short, micro radiation,radio radiation and infrared radiation are all radiation that we (humans) are exposed too, if we get exposed to too much radiation it enhances the risk of cancer or other health problems.Also remember to keep those devices away from your body at night and not to eat any foods (or drinks) from microwave ovens.

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Wheelchair Escalator-inquiry

In inquiry we are focusing on the human machine and we are doing a grid,One of the things is to design a piece of equipment for a person with a disability.For my equipment I have done a wheelchair escalator.

Actively learn-reading

For reading this term we have been doing a rotation.Each week we have something different to do.One week we did actively learn,Actively learn is a site were you read a paragraph of a story  then answer the question.
Here's a few pictures to show you what it looks like a bit.

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Pubertal health-Communication secenarios

Today for pubertal health we were focusing on conversation scenarios/responses.For that we had to do a video on a passive,aggressive and assertive response for a conversation scenario.We did it in groups of three,in my group there was Imogen(Filmer),Carys(school girl walking home from school) and I was a guy how was trying to get Carys in my car.
Here is the video: